Cockroaches are widespread pests. They are seen everywhere, even people who are very conscious about cleanliness are not safe from them. No one wants this insect infesting his house, but he encounters them daily. In this article, we will go through a specific roach named the Surinam cockroach. It is not from the bugs which humans meet regularly. Like other bugs, it is nocturnal and remains inactive during the daytime. But they stay outside their homes for survival, as they do not feed on human food and waste. Let’s have a brief introduction about them.
A few words about Surinam Cockroach
The name has little bearing on where the species originated, as is typical of most nuisance cockroach species. They were originally from Indonesia, but Suriname in South America is where they were first identified. Cockroaches from Surinam measure 18 to 25 mm in length as adults. Furthermore, most of their glossy, dark brown or black bodies have fur coverings. In contrast to the related oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis, which is shiny on all segments, the rear portions of the abdomen of this species have a rough, dull surface.
Adults of this species may have wings, either partially or fully developed. Both males and females are not strong flyers, with some rare males having larger wings. The color of the wings can be olive or brown, often with a pale band along the edges. The pronotum, which is like a head shield, has a diamond shape that’s a bit wider than the wings.
At the end of the abdomen, there are sensory organs called cerci, although these are small and usually hidden. A unique aspect of Pycnoscelus surinamensis is its way of reproducing. Unlike most creatures, they reproduce through a process called thelytokous parthenogenesis, where embryos develop from unfertilized eggs. As a result, they give birth to almost exclusively female offspring. In some communities, males are completely absent. After the eggs develop internally, around 30 to 36 live young are born.
Surinam cockroaches’ diet
Cockroaches are usually omnivores, and they find their food in human food or even human waste. But Surinam roaches differs a bit because they just eat fresh plants’ stems, that’s why they primarily live in gardens or green areas.
Natural environment
Surinam cockroaches are widespread in the Southeast United States, from North Carolina to Texas. The Surinam cockroach significantly damages vegetation in heated greenhouses, where vast numbers may hide during the day and emerge at night to feast on the plants. They can destroy all plants, whether they are inside or outside your house. As a result, these cockroaches are garden inhabitants, particularly in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas.
How much time Surinam cockroach require to complete the reproductive cycle?
While waiting for the kids to hatch, the mother carries her egg capsule within. A fresh capsule can be produced 48 to 82 days after the first one, with an average of 26 eggs inside.
A great thing about Surinam cockroaches is that they prefer to live in areas like gardens and crops instead of your basement, and also known as plant enemies. If you find them in the park, you will feel like a guest because they do not hesitate to acquire the garden’s ownership due to its vast quantity. You don’t have to worry about food leftovers since they tend to stay in parks or other green spaces. However, you must always keep an eye on your garden because its food comes from fresh plants. Watch those petunias for bite marks because potted plants, flowers, tree leaves, and weeds are all fair game.
What’s really fascinating about these cockroaches is that even though no males have been seen in the United States for a while, they’re still doing very well. They have a special ability called parthenogenesis, which lets females have babies without needing a male. This makes them quite unique. Because of this, they’ve survived a long time, and now it’s only the females who are around to have more generations of these bugs. Experts think these bugs are really bad because of the way they live and eat. They can seriously harm gardens by causing permanent damage. They also produce babies very quickly and their numbers can grow fast in your garden.
Are Surinam cockroaches dangerous?
No, these roaches are not a threat for human beings, but for the plants. They require high level of warmth and humidity, so it is challenging for it to survive in our homes. All the times, you see them inside the house, you have to consider that roaches are here accidently or due to any of carrier.
Also Read: Pennsylvania wood cockroach
Controlling tips
The Surinam cockroach typically exists outdoors. So wood heaps, mulch, greenhouses, and other contaminated areas with the appropriate pesticides. Additionally, residual pesticides used as barriers around homes can significantly lower populations. Use the sprays or granules to treat infested potted plants inside buildings or workplaces.
Is a Surinam cockroach a good climber?
When it comes to the climbing quality of these specific roaches, yes they can. Adults and young nymphs can climb but not fly.
Why are there cockroaches in my garden?
As discussed above, Surinam cockroaches are not pests and do not live inside houses. To survive, they usually live in plants. Finding any of them in place indicates their availability in the garden because they move through the soil.
Can a Surinam cockroach bite?
Yes, these cockroaches can bite, but they do not grind humans. You do not need to worry if they bite you because their mouth is small, and the bite won’t be harmful.
Do these bugs have the ability to fly?
Female Surinam cockroaches do not have wings which shows they are not flyers. While rare roaches contain attachments, they can fly a very short distance.
How to control the Surinam cockroach infestation?
Like all other bugs, you need to insert insecticides into the plants. When you find them in your house, clean the house. Otherwise, call the pest-controlling team. They will help you to clear the places.
Surinam cockroaches are uncommon in our surroundings. Their diet and habitant styles differ from their mates because they prefer green areas and fresh green plants to live. For this reason, people call them garden dwellers. They are not good flyers and also do not infect human beings.