Red Rabbits- Everything You Want to Know

Beautiful Red Rabbit


The red rabbits, commonly known as New Zealand red rabbits, originated in the United States in the early 20th century and were bred as a commercial source of meat and fur in California. The exact origin of this species is difficult to trace.

However, their name originated from wild New Zealand rabbits. The red color connects to the Belgian Hare. They are usually red or burgundy; however, their noses may appear pink or black.

These cute little creatures are amiable and ideal pets for children. They are rarely aggressive and prefer a relaxed and calm environment.


a rabbit lying on a log

Unlike many types of rabbits, red rabbits are giant and weigh 3-4 kg. Their broad bodies are medium build, and their back is arched with full cheeks and upright ears framing their face. They usually have medium-length coarse hair with a golden-red or deep-red finish.

These rabbits’ defining features are the elongated body, tail, and head. Their spoon-like bodies and well-built muscles in their hind limbs help them in hooping and high jumps.

Diet and Nutrition

Understanding the need for adequate nutrition and the proper diet for these rabbits is essential for their long livability. The breeder must choose suitable sources of food and must not overfeed these rabbits.

They are mainly vegetarians; their typical food source consists of vegetables, vitamins, and hay. The red rabbits’ babies need food 3-4 times a day; however, the adult rabbits require feeding only 2-3 times. Remember, these rabbits are prone to obesity which can shorten their lifespan and can result in various other health issues.

Fur Coat

These rabbits have the average type of fur, which makes grooming an unprecedented challenge for their owners. For this purpose, brushing them weekly is enough to make them presentable. In addition, it is vital to regularly check their fur during the molting season as they shed more hair during that time.

The texture of their fur is pleasant, and you cannot keep your hand off them once you start playing with them.

Facts About Red Rabbits

a rabbit eating grass on a green surface

The New Zealand red rabbit species gains weight quickly, which is perfect for commercial gains as these red rabbits produce more fur and meat. According to vegans, red rabbits have a shorter lifespan than other rabbits. Yet, this theory has no scientific basis till now.

When it comes to looks, these adorable rabbits are attractive due to the yellow glow in their natural red fur. Their fur coat looks soft; however, it is coarse and stiff. They also breed rapidly. A female red rabbit can give birth to up to twelve babies. If nurtured properly, red rabbits can live up to 10 years.

How to Take Care of Your Red Rabbits

Red rabbits do within both outdoor and indoor settings. It is better to share a room with them if you adopt them as pets. This practice is suitable as you can take better care of these rabbits and develop an everlasting bond with these delightful creatures.

Their enclosures must be spacious, comfortable, and safe if kept outdoors. Your rabbits must feel comfortable while moving and stretching their body. In addition, these rabbits should stay outside to play and enjoy themselves. This time would help them to roam around and explore objects of interest.


Generally, these red rabbits seldom fall ill or catch any diseases. This good health is due to their owners keeping them and their living conditions clean. Most importantly, rabbits must not be left unattended. Keeping them close, especially outside their enclosures, is essential to safeguard them from predators and self-harm. In some cases, while looking for food, rabbits end up nibbling cables, which is toxic to their health.

William Benjamin
I'm William Benjamin and I'm an expert in the rabbit field. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, I am well-versed in all aspects of rabbit care, including nutrition, housing, grooming, and behavior. As a respected authority in the rabbit community, I am dedicated to providing helpful and accurate information to rabbit owners and hobbyists. Whether it's advice on choosing the right breed of rabbit or tips for keeping your rabbit healthy and happy, my expertise can help ensure your furry friend receives the best possible care. . .