8 Amazing Purple Birds Breeds: You Ever Knew About:

2 Purple Birds

If you have ever seen purple birds, you already know how amazing that sight could be! Seeing a purple bird can be a rare chance, but if you have seen one, you are lucky! There are around 50 purple bird species in the world, and most of them live in the United States.

Reference: @ListofAnimalsVN

Purple color often refers to elegance, spirituality, royalty, and holiness. In this blog post, we will introduce you to eight amazing purple birds that you may not be aware of.

1. Purple Martin:

Purple Martin Purple bird

The purple martin, also known as the Progne Ibis, is one of the largest swallow species found in North America. Their name is “Purple Martin” because of the purple iridescent feathers covering their bodies.

The purple martins have large chests and slightly hooked bills. They have short tails but their wings are long and wide. The male purple martins have deep purple plumages with dark brown wings. Whereas the females have duller purplish shades with tones of gray on the head and chest.

The breeding season for this species is usually during spring and summer as the weather is warm. Once the breeding season is over, the large flocks of birds move to the southern hemisphere.

2. Purple Gallinule:

Purple Gallinule Purple Birdd

Purple Gallinule, also popular as Porphyrio Martinique, is the next species on the list. These birds live along the shorelines of lakes, ponds, and swamps in the Southeast United States and also in South America.

The bodies of purple gallinules are full of purple feathers, while their beaks are deep yellow. Their long feet, 18 to 21 inches, provide their bodies with a perfect balance to walk on the floating vegetation.

These birds make loud noises just like ordinary gallinules. Moreover, their diet includes seeds, fruits, and floating vegetation. They also feed on small reptiles, insects, worms, and fish.

3. Purplish-Backed Jay:

 Purplish Backed Jay

Next on the list is Purplish-Backed Jay, which is also known as Cyanocorax Beecheli. The purplish-backed jaybird is small in size and belongs to the crow family. In contrast to their stunning purplish colors, they have a dull nature and can only make mild noises.

When it comes to their appearance, they have a beautiful purple tail, back, and wings and their remaining body is black. Purple jaybirds are common in South America and the Northwestern parts of Mexico. They breed once a year and can be found living in small groups.

4. Purple Starling:

Purple Starling

The purple starling has a beautiful metallic purple head and body, whereas its wings are green. The scientific name for the purple starling bird is Lamprotornis Purpure. They commonly exist in woodland and open fields in tropical Africa, West Kenya, and also in Zaire.

This species is monomorphic, which means both sexes are similar in size and color. The perfect time for the purple starling to breed is between February and May when they mate in the tree cavities and holes.

Also Read: A Guide to 5 Stunning Yellow Birds With Black Wings

5. The Varied Bunting

The Varied Bunting

Next, that comes on this top list of purple birds is the Varied Bunting. This stunningly purplish bird is small in size, having a length of 6 inches. As the name indicates, they belong to the bunting family, which is why the upper part of their beak is curved.

They are visible in Mexico, especially around the border in the US state of Texas. The suitable regions for this species include forests, woodlands, and deserts. They are very shy by nature and therefore prefer to stay away from crowded areas.

6. Violet Backed Starling:

Violet Backed Starling

This is another beautiful purple bird on our list that has the most stunning purplish shades on their bodies. The males have more deep purplish-blue color on their backs whereas their belly is white. Females and the young backed starlings have dark brown underparts and bellies.

The violet-backed starlings are commonly found in the Sub-Saharan African regions that are dry and dense. These stunning birds fly in small flocks and their diet contains fruits and berries, as well as small winged insects.

7. Purple Grenadier:

Purple Grenadier

If you are looking for a more exotic purple bird, then the purple grenadier is your answer! If you have seen this stunning purple bird, then consider yourself lucky. This beautiful bird is known to be a native of India. They also commonly live in the open forests and dry grasslands of Eastern Africa.

Both sexes in purple grenadier birds have jet-black tail while their beak is red. The make grenadiers have purplish-blue colored bodies with violet-blue underparts. On the other hand, the female grenadier has a cinnamon color with white spots on their underparts. These birds live in monogamous pairs but can break off for mating, especially during the rainy seasons.

8. The Purple Honeycreeper:

The Purple Honeycreeper

Last on our list is another beautiful purple bird, The Purple Honeycreeper, which is commonly found in South America. These birds have purple bodies with black stripes on their wings, belly, and tail. The female birds have green streaks on their underparts.

If you are deceived by their small size, you should know that these birds are very bold and clever when it comes to hunting. As soon as they hear or sense their predator, they hide and then make a sudden attack.

These were some stunning purple birds that we jotted down in this list after some deep research. We hope you found this post informative.

Matthew Isaac
Hello, I am Matthew Isaac have a passion for birds and a wealth of knowledge in the field. As someone who has dedicated my career to working with birds, I am excited to share my expertise through my writing. My articles cover many birds related topics, including their behavior, biology, habitats, and conservation. Whether you are a seasoned bird watcher or just starting to explore the world of avian creatures, my articles will provide valuable insights and practical advice that will help you deepen your understanding and appreciation of birds. From bird identification and species-specific information to bird care and welfare, I am committed to sharing accurate, helpful, and engaging content that will inspire and inform readers from all backgrounds and levels of experience.