Piebald Ball Python Morph: Facts, Info, Housing & Feeding

Piebald Ball Phython

Breaking the conventions of household pets is putting it mildly, snakes are a very big deviation from what people want as “pets”. Because, psychologically, we prefer to have pets that are cute, provide companionship and faithfulness, and or make us feel secure. That’s why most people go for cats, dogs, birds, fish, and rodents.

Snakes, however, do not check any of those boxes, and for that reason. It is uncommon to find snakes as household pets. Given their rarity, it’s no surprise that there are no “snake trainers” for people to train their snakes, the reptiles don’t work that way so to speak.

Furthermore, maintaining snakes falls in a completely different ballpark of pet care and that’s. Why you should know the basics of keeping one, using a Piebald Ball Python as a reference.

Understanding the Snake

Reference: @PapayaPythons

A good starting point is understanding the snake you have just brought home. It is prudent to understand how the snake should be behaving and grow under ideal conditions and in good health.

In our case, the Piebald Ball Python falls under the family of ball pythons but is uniquely identifiable by the un-pigmented patches on its body.

This breed of the snake will usually grow to be 4-5 feet long.  And will live to the age of 30 under ideal conditions and health.

Like all snakes, this breed of snake is carnivorous and will only eat meat. A juvenile (or baby) ball python will grow into an adult in 3 years.

Now that we know the basics of the snake that we are handling, let’s move on to how it should be housed.

Housing Your Piebald Ball Python

Piebald Ball Python

The size of the python would determine the size of the tank needed; wisdom would be buying a 40L tank to future-proof yourself for when the snake matures into an adult. The habitat should have a hiding spot for the snake and something that the snake can climb onto.

Ensure that the habitat is maintained at temperatures between (78 – 95) degrees Fahrenheit (26-35 degrees Celsius) As snakes need a slightly warm environment to survive.

Furthermore, the tank should maintain 40-60% humidity and be slightly higher for when the snake needs to shed its skin. It is extremely important to remember to only house one snake per tank. Because snakes can be aggressive and can hurt each other in the same space.

Feeding Your Piebald Ball Python

Piebald Ball Python

Juvenile Piebald Ball Pythons will need to feed once a week and adults will need to be fed once every two weeks. Furthermore, snakes should be fed in separate tanks so that they don’t associate feeding with their habitats being opened.

Keep a bowl large enough for the snake to bathe in close to the snake with clean, chlorine-free, fresh water so the snake can both drink and/or soak in the water. Moving on to the snake’s diet, the python should be fed an adequately sized frozen rodent that has been thawed to above room temperature.

Live rodents can also be fed to the snake but it is advised that the feeding be monitored so that the rodent doesn’t hurt the snake in its struggle. There isn’t much else to be known about this particular breed of python.

If the snake behaves in any way that you consider to be out of the norm then do not hesitate in calling a professional veterinarian. Remember those snake problems cannot really be solved properly with the tools found in an average home. Therefore, let the professionals manage when things get bad.


How to take care of a Piebald Ball Python Snake?

These snakes quickly accept food, move about well, and don’t need any specific equipment for enclosures. The most challenging aspect of caring for pied pythons is ensuring that the tank is between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit and has at least 50% humidity.

How long should I wait before feeding?

These snakes do not require feeding every day. If you have a baby snake, you must feed him once every five days. On the other hand, if you are the owner of a giant or adult snake, providing him with food once a week should be enough.

Is a piebald ball python snake’s bite capable of hurting?

Yes, the snake’s bite is enough to make you squeeze because of the pain. It is a nonpoisonous snake, but I can seriously hurt you while biting. Its bite hurts until it heals.

Is it okay to hold the python daily?

No, it can frustrate Python. Experts recommend that snake owners hold it once a week, with a maximum of twice a week.

Is direct sunlight a basic need of a piebald ball python snake?

Sunlight is a good source of energy for all living things. But direct sunlight for this snake is not a requirement. In the enclosure or the aquarium, the light this snake gets from the walls during the day is enough for it.

Does a ball python like to eat crickets?

These snakes dislike eating eggs or even crickets because they are omnivores. It is a common reason for people to own this snake.

Does a ball python feel lonely when no one is around him?

Most snakes are emotionless and do not feel lonely. They always love their company of themselves. They cannot become problematic when alone in the enclosure.

Is humidity a basic need for a snake?

To this question, the answer is “nothing” without “yes.” Humidity helps the snakes keep their respiratory systems balanced and properly shed skin without painful procedures.

How do we know if a ball python is comfortable with us?

The behavior and temperament of the snake in the hands of humans show the comfort level. The snake is comfortable if you find it playing and wrapping itself around the hands. Remember that the snake grip will be light if it wraps your hand tightly if it shows the snake is not in a good mood.

What is the activity of the piebald ball python at night?

Like cockroaches, these snakes are nocturnal, which shows they stay active in the light. When it is night, or they are in the darkness, these snakes hide and wait for the appearance of light.

Luke Julian
Luke Julian is a herpetologist with a fascination for snakes spanning over 15 years. His in-depth knowledge and passion for these remarkable reptiles fuel his writing, offering readers engaging insights into the world of serpents.