Naked Mole Rat: A Comprehensive Guide

3 Naked Mole Rat

Have you ever seen a rat without hair? Are you interested in getting information about such a type of rat? If so, this article is for you. This essay will describe a unique breed called the “Naked Mole Rat.” We will notify you about its traits, habitats, and more. Moreover, you will learn about its health issues, diet, etc.

A Little About Naked Mole Rat

The naked mole rat is a unique and peculiar creature, bearing a resemblance to an elongated cocktail sausage with prominent teeth. What sets these creatures apart is their social structure, which is quite unusual for mammals but shares similarities with the social organization commonly observed in bees and termites. This social structure is referred to as “eusocial.” Within a vast subterranean colony of approximately 80 individuals, a solitary breeding female holds the highest authority, earning her the title of “queen.” As we delve further, you’ll gain a more in-depth understanding of the naked mole rat’s fascinating characteristics and behaviors.

Do naked mole rats make any vocalizations?

Yes, they produce a variety of vocal sounds, including chirps, squeaks, and grunts, which are used for communication within their colonies.

The History

Naked mole rats originated in eastern Africa, specifically in Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti, and Somalia. They inhabit underground tunnels and caves within grassy, semi-arid environments. Transitioning to the 19th century, it was the German biologist Eduard Rüppell first encountered a naked mole rat. However, he initially misidentified it, considering it a mutant or diseased member of another species due to its unappealing appearance, loose skin, and teeth capable of piercing the skin. It wasn’t until the 1950s that people began to discover and appreciate the unique characteristics of this remarkable animal.

Physical Appearances

There are numerous varieties of mole rats. The most well-known is the naked mole rat, whose tubular, wrinkled, hairless body resembles a little walrus or a bratwurst with teeth. In their natural state, mole rats have wrinkly, pink or grayish-pink skin that is pale purplish-brown on their backs and tails, and somewhat translucent on their undersides. With growing older, this countershading seems to be gone. They can dig tunnels because of their vast incisors and the strong jaw muscles in their short but broad heads.

Naked mole rats are not so giant. Their length is just 3 inches. On the other hand, their weight is just like their size, as they weigh only 1-2 ounces. The weight of soldiers is up to 2 ounces. The Queen mole is the most prominent among all the colonies, weighing 2.5 ounces, while their external hairs are visible.

On the other hand, they have very tiny ears, and some people consider them blind. Their smelling sense is very crucial for finding food. Additionally, they are susceptible to air currents and ground vibrations.

Why are they called “naked” mole rats?

They are called “naked” mole rats because they lack fur or hair on their bodies, giving them a nearly hairless appearance.

The Characteristics of a Naked Mole Rat

The lifespan of a naked mole rat can range from 10 to 30 years. Although the maximum lifespan of this rat in wild is not clear, but animals have lived under human care for up to 30 years. It is the most extended lifespan yet recorded for tiny rodents. Another important trait is that these might are not prone to face cancer diseases. Compared to laboratory mice and rats, mole rats have a more varied and complicated social structure, ranging from solitary to highly gregarious. In addition, some species are polygamous, and others are monogamous.

Are naked mole rats endangered or protected?

Naked mole rats are not currently listed as endangered, but they may face threats from habitat destruction and climate change.

Diet and Habitation

These underground rats consume plant tissues, especially the juicy tubers that many arid-area plant species produce. They don’t drink; instead, they eat to get the required water. When a group of mole rats comes across a large tuber, they usually bore through it, mainly eating the internal flesh and leaving the thin epidermis unharmed. This activity help the plant maintain its health for a while, maybe even continue to develop, giving the colony a long-term food source. Their food contains a lot of cellulose, which is difficult to break down. Naked mole rats have highly concentrated gut flora that facilitates digesting.

They are very easy to spot in African countries. They always live in an underground colony, where they can find grass or plant roots in vast quantity. Since only one female breed in each big colony of naked mole rats, which are eusocial animals, most workers—both males and females—spend their whole lives supporting the territory. Although colonies have up to 295 individuals, the average size of a settlement is 70.

Which animals consume mole rats?

Predators, such as the rufous beaked snake, can enter the tunnels of these creatures or capture them when they come out to feed. When above ground, naked mole rats are vulnerable to attacks from raptors and other birds of prey.


Only a queen can produce offspring in the entire colony. A queen mates with a few specific rats, and their relationship lasts for a year. The rest of the mice take care of new babies by providing food, caring them, and defending the burrow system. Other females can reproduce, but they remain loyal to the queen and avoid such things.

A queen can give birth to babies after 80 days and do it five times a year. Usually, the weight of a baby mole rat is 0.8 ounces. The queen nurses them for about a month. Once they can eat, she leaves them on their behalf. Babies consume the feces that the staff give them on demand. In addition to giving them sustenance, this also vaccinates their digestive tract with healthy gut flora. At 3–4 weeks old, puppies start engaging in job behaviors (such as digging, sweeping, carrying, etc.). Although the pace of maturation varies, young animals can reproduce physiologically by age.

Fun Facts

  • Naked mole rats, despite their names, are neither moles nor rats. They are related to guinea pigs and porcupines more closely.
  • Soldier mole rats protect the colony against predators, primarily snakes and alien mole rats, which they can smell from a distance.
  • Because naked mole rats spend their entire lives practically underground, weak red lights are used to illuminate them in zoo exhibits.
  • Mole rats are not sighted. However, their tiny eyes make naked mole rats frequently close them as they scurry through the tunnels.
  • The queen is not born in the role. She is a woman who overcame obstacles to reach the top.


The naked mole rat looks weird and small, and they are hairless with strange pink skin. Their life span is amazingly high if not attacked by any predator. A female known as the queen fights for the kingdom ship and becomes the queen of a colony. They eat plants. Amazingly, these rats do not drink water.

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