Ferret Pet Care Guide: Tips owners need to know before owning a ferret

All You Know About Ferret Pet Care Guide

As domesticated animals, people are prone to keep, pet, and even breed ferrets. So, if any of our readers want to acquire the knowledge to pet this animal or are planning to keep a ferret, this blog is the very right place for them to cater to their knowledge-gathering desire. Here, we will discuss all the significant aspects, like their needs regarding edibles, their care, and the time they demand from us. Moreover, their grooming factors are also essential to keep in mind. Other than that, their care, training, health issues, and steps to deal with an unhealthy animal are also essential to remember. So, discover the ferret pet care guide with us without wasting time.

A basic intro to the ferrets

Before we take the initiative to discuss the ferret pet care guide, it is crucial to have a little knowledge about it. You may be knowledgeable about this animal, but this guide will help you to assemble extra information about it. We already know that it is a small animal and a very intelligent and clever too with good behavior.

After friendliness and good behavior the lifespan matters a lot when deciding to pet the ferret, and it can survive up to 10 years in captivity. In all this time, all it requires from you is time and care, because having good social behavior helps you remain trouble-free.

Regarding training a ferret, it is very trainable, but it might test your patience level. You must have eye witnessed various people loudly saying that “training a ferret is just like training a cat.” For them, ferrets are not cats, so training them is challenging because they even cannot adapt to using litter boxes independently. Though coaching these animals may be a bit hard, but it does not require a longer duration, while the coaching process can take just 1-2 weeks.

Are ferrets good animals for pets?

People have different opinions against this query. Some people claims that it is good to pet ferrets, while a vast population opposes them. On the other hand, this question is also very significant to consider because it is better not to pet them, if you have to leave them to other owners or forests afterward. So, some conditions are applicable before keeping it as a pet.

We have already discussed these animals are sociable and make excellent friends with humans. Even people keep them in their houses worldwide. In contrast, their large teeth and aggressive behavior are not new to us, so experts do not suggest they keep them at home if they have children.

Sometimes, they are threat for children, as children like to play with animals, and these animals can injure them while playing. On the other hand, these fragile small mammals can get injured by children also. Conclusively, the people who have recently started keeping animals should not adopt these animals as a baby because training a pet is challenging to pet as a baby rather than an adult.

How to keep a ferret happy?

Ferret loves the company, but more than the company of his mate is needed for them. They need many other things to have a happy life, like ample space to run and play, well- a balanced diet, and offer them water to bathe.

What to do if a ferret bites?

You must be aware that all animals are prone to diseases and viruses. For example, if a ferret bites you, it can cause viral and bacterial infections. So, it is better to visit a healthcare provider as a priority.

Offer ferrets a well-balanced diet.

The most significant thing which is impossible to ignore is nothing other than a well-balanced diet. Before adopting the animal, the most important thing to get into under observation is about its feeding behavior. Ferret, a small animal, is known to consume food after every 4 hours, meaning it needs 6-8 meals daily. The metabolic rate is very high, while the digestive tract is small, which keeps them hungry all day.

What do ferrets eat?

Before bringing this small mammal to your home, educate yourself about their diet nature. Being an obligate carnivore is a widespread and famous fact that needs no discussion, and it clarifies that meat is a vital part of their diet. On the other hand, offering them raw meat is also the best option for whole prey. Moreover, you can find many other feeds in the market that are high in protein, don’t forget to pay attention to the significance of water for them. Depending on the breed, you must know that a ferret consumes 4-8 ounces of water.

Edibles to avoid

In the previous passage, we learned about the favorite edibles of ferrets. In this scenario, the foods that these animals should not swallow is dangerous to ignore. We know them for chewing everything because of their nature experiencing new things. Here, we need to go through some feeds that are vital to keep away from their approach. Otherwise, it can be problematic and even fatal for your animal.

These prohibited diets comprise sugar and dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and ice cream because they can cause diarrhea. Moreover, keep the garlic, onions, vegetables, and fruits away from them and do not offer these ingredients as a treat. These things make them weak and can become fatal to the animals. Lastly, grains, rice, wheat, and corn are strictly against their diet. Due to their small digestive tract, they can suffer from digestive tract infections which work against the metabolic system.

Can I give an egg to my ferret?

For a healthful treat, offer eggs to your animal, because this diet contain vitamins and minerals, including protein, and have biotin. However, several publications advised ferrets to supplement their nutritious diet with up to two weekly eggs.

How to discover when a ferret is hungry or thirsty?

Hunger or thirst, a ferret will often begin playing with its empty food or water dish when hungry or thirsty. Ferrets move or attack the bowl when their stomach is empty. Your ferret could also repeatedly glance at the bowls, then at you, before returning to the bowls to leave you with a hint.

They need proper habitat.

After diet one of the primary concern is their habitat, the place to live or a house for survival anywhere in the world. Every living thing can live on the earth with a good house, but have a few specific requirements. The story of a ferret is not different from it, and these animals also need a proper space to spend their life.

The house they need

Like any beautiful and trainable pet, they also require a proper house with a few requirements. Clean their housing, play, and resting areas as needed and at least weekly. The house must be hazard-free and have no poisonous plants or electrical wires to chew. Ferrets love to explore by mouthing or chewing objects in their environment, so keep their home safe. Due to their well-deserved reputation as escape artists, ferrets should be housed in a cage that can be securely closed and locked. It must be your priority to offer them a large space as home; a suggested minimum size might be 24″ x 24″ x 18″ high. The cage with good ventilation is significant.

They require ample space to play.

These pets not only demands a good space to live but also to play. Moreover, the ferrets are not cage animals is another fact that many people are unaware of. In a ferret-proofed room or house, they must enjoy at least six hours of free roam time each day. Action upon this requirement of ferret care is unavoidable, on the other hand, it is also a deal-breaker for many people.

The deal demands setting aside six hours of your day to watch the ferrets because they shouldn’t be left alone when allowed to wander. A few of these hours should be devoted to playing with them. Due to their propensity to get into everything, you’ll also need to learn how to ferret-proof an area properly. They’re curious animals whose little bodies are designed to slither into remote locations.

Place a litter box

One side of the container should be lowered down to make it easier for the ferret to access and exit the litter box. Any cat litter can be used in the box.

Ferret Sleeping Area

Far from the open bars, ferrets enjoy their private space to hide, sleep, and hang out. To fulfil their demands, offer your pet a shelter box, cloth bag, or a dark area inside their enclosure. Line the sleeping space with a straw or an old T-shirt to make it more comfortable. The ferret will be encouraged to nest, keeping your pet warm. If you keep your ferret outside, provide them with enough blankets and insulation to stay comfortable throughout the year.

Do ferrets prefer solitary living?

Ferrets are amiable animals, so they may be kept alone as long as they have lots of human interaction and playtime. Maintaining more than one ferret is advisable if this is not possible. Consider housing the ferrets in pairs or small groups.

How many ferrets should be kept in one enclosure?

There should only be up to four ferrets present, ideally littermates, and ensure all of the group’s ferrets have been neutered. Males that aren’t neutered could be more hostile. The only exception would be if you intended to raise ferrets for breeding.

Steps to groom the ferret

How can we keep ferret grooming aside when discussing the ferret pet care guide? No one wants his pet to seem ugly or stinky. So, the grooming of these animals is very crucial. So, we will go through some suggestions for our readers to groom their pets.

The equipment we need for ferret grooming

Indeed, we will educate you about some grooming tools that are essential to purchase before you bring animals to the territory.

Comb for grooming

Though ferrets do not shed a lot, but consider to use a soft grooming brush to get rid of pet hair and avoid matting. It works because regular brushing keeps your ferret’s coat in good condition, appearing clean and well-groomed.

Particular shampoo for ferrets

When washing your ferret, it’s crucial to use a shampoo made especially for ferrets for avoiding dryness or irritation will assist in preserving the pH balance of their skin. For appropriate usage, abide by the directions provided.

Toenail clippers

We advise using nail clippers made especially for small animals to keep your ferret’s nails at the right length. Additionally, regular nail trimming help animals avoid overgrowth and pain. However, remember to use caution and avoid cutting them quickly.

Ear cleaner

A mild ear cleaner for tiny animals is advised because ferrets are prone to earwax accumulation. Thus, cleaning their ears regularly keeps them healthy and helps avoid infections, so, better to use caution when placing anything deep into the ear canal.

Plaque and toothpaste

As ferret do not comprise of large ears, they do not require special treatment, but the teeth do. Ferrets need to be practiced proper oral hygiene. Therefore, we advise brushing your ferret’s teeth using a tiny, soft-bristled toothbrush and ferret-specific toothpaste. Regular brushing keeps can keep their teeth clean and healthy, which avoids dental problems. Lastly, introduce brushing gently and praise your ferret for being cooperative.

Descending animals

Descending a ferret entails a surgical operation called “descending” that removes the ferret’s anal smell glands. Many believe it is an unneeded and dangerous practice since it is mutilation. Descending aims to decrease the solid musky odor that the ferret’s anal glands generate.

However, it is crucial to keep in mind that the treatment does not eradicate other sources of ferret scent, such as natural body odors and skin secretions. Therefore, except when the ferret’s health is jeopardized, the American Ferret Association is opposed to descending.

Why should we use ferret grooming equipment?

Experts suggest using grooming tools on ferrets since it keeps them clean, healthy overall, and attractive. Brushes, nail cutters, ear cleaners, and bathing materials help with the required grooming activities for ferrets, keeping them clean, comfortable, and free of problems like matting, overgrown nails, or ear infections.

How often should your ferret be groomed?

Unless the animal has gotten into anything, one a month is typically plenty. Some ferret owners give their pets even fewer baths. For ferrets, laundry is more important than bathing. They prefer to clean the litter box daily and launder their bedding once weekly.

Train the animals

Ferret training involves consistency and patience, as we’ve previously covered this truth in earlier portions. Because of difference in each species nature, adapt the following instructions to fit the personality of your pet.

Utilize the harness

It is an effective trick to use a ferret harness or collar, because you can teach ferrets to walk outside while wearing a harness. A collar on your ferret will serve as a reminder that it is a domestic animal, partly because they are sometimes mistaken for wild creatures.

Play with them and train them to bite.

Have fun playing with your ferret. If your ferret bites you, say “ouch” loudly and firmly while maintaining a firm attitude. Further, to educate ferrets that biting results in lost playtime, keep your hands out of the ferret’s reach and put them in a tiny carrier or cage. Performing such action helps deter biting behavior.

Prevent destructive behavior

Ferrets are active pets and love to engage themselves in scratching or digging when they bore. So consider to keep your ferret’s nails trimmed to prevent them from causing damage. Additionally, offer them an area where your ferrets can dig and play, but under your supervision. Finally, consider offering them outlets for natural behaviors that minimize destructive tendencies.

Use phrases to communicate.

Use repeated sentences to get your ferret acquainted with human language when they are young. They will learn to recognize your vocal signals if you constantly associate words with orders or things. Accordingly, for efficient communication with your ferret, repetition, and consistency are essential.

Practice productive tasks

Create brief training sessions with games and other activities that your ferret will love. Thus, keep the sessions brief because ferrets have limited attention spans. Treats and praise should reinforce training when your ferret behaves well. With the help of different tasks, your ferret will learn new tricks and orders more quickly by developing trust via good encounters.

What are some entertaining skills I could teach my ferret?

Going through a hoop, discovering concealed rewards, or reacting to a squeaky toy are some entertaining skills you may teach your ferret.

How can I teach my ferret new skills?

Start with easy skills like hand targeting or training them to sit by rewarding them with food.

How can I quiet a ferret down?

If your ferret is struggling when holding it, you may quiet them down by gently swaying them back and forth; this soothes them, and they appear to like it. Then, as indicated above, grab them gently yet firmly about the shoulders.

Medical problems

This point is essential to consider before adopting any animal, and the ferret is no exception in such cases. Undoubtedly, understanding common medical conditions is vital regarding the health of your favorite ferret. Let’s look at some of the ailments that ferrets can have and their quick fixes:

Adrenal Illness

This hormonal issue frequently causes hair loss and can be treated with surgery or medication.


A condition in which the pancreas generates excessive insulin, resulting in low blood sugar. Surgery or drugs both are applicable to treat this disease.

Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis

This gastrointestinal condition produces inflammation and is treatable with dietary modifications and medicines.

Ferret Aleutian Disease

It is a viral infection that impairs the immune system. Although there is no cure, supportive care, and frequent veterinarian, check-ups can help control the symptoms.

How to do a ferret catch liver problem?

Because of how ferrets’ livers function, a high-fat diet can produce lipid hepatic buildup. Therefore, any symptom of inflammatory bowel illness, particularly Coronavirus infection, must be documented. Ferrets with liver illness are often middle-aged to geriatric ferrets.

Is rabies common in ferrets?

Rabies is relatively uncommon in ferrets. For starters, unlike cats and dogs, they rarely frolic outside and have minimal possibility for animal exposure – the primary source of rabies.

Last opinion

This Ferret Pet Care Guide provides helpful insights and information to help you become a responsible and educated ferret owner. We’ve covered topics like feeding, environment, grooming, and socialization, which are critical for your pet’s health and pleasure. Following the instructions described in this book may guarantee that your ferret has a healthy and joyful life. Remember, a happy ferret is a treasured friend. So, implement these care practices to provide a caring and enriching environment for your cute ferret buddy.

Nora Hazel
Hello! Here is Nora Hazel. And I'm an expert in the field of Mongoose. With a deep interest and love for these unique creatures, I have dedicated my career to studying and understanding their behavior, care and welfare. My expertise covers different species of mongoose. I have extensive knowledge of their habitat, social structure, nutritional requirements, training methods and so on.