Electric Blue Cichlid: Types, Traits, Size, Tank | US(United State)

Small Blue Fish

Parrotfish thrive in different places, making people really happy with their beautiful colors. Lots of folks enjoy having these colorful fish in their fish tanks because it helps them relax and makes their homes look nice. In this article, we’ll talk about a special kind of parrotfish called the electric blue cichlid parrotfish, but there are many other types like polar parrotfish, yellow parrotfish, Hawaii parrotfish, ember parrotfish, Jamaican parrotfish, and more. Get ready to learn about what makes them special, the different kinds, and how they look, all while feeling the excitement and wonder that comes with these lovely fish. If you want to take care of or make more of this cool fish, you’ll definitely want to read this article.

Information About Electric Blue Cichlids

The term “electric blue cichlid” is often used in the fish world to discuss various cichlid types. But not all these cichlids are naturally bright blue. In the wild, being too flashy with bright blue colors can be dangerous for them because it makes it easy for them to spot predators. So, many cichlids have duller colors to hide better. However, some cichlid species get colorful, especially when they want to attract a mate during breeding.

Fish lovers who keep cichlids in aquariums have worked hard over time. They carefully chose cichlids with the brightest colors to create new types of cichlids for home aquariums. They paired these colorful fish, and their babies had even more brilliant colors. This careful breeding gave rise to the beautiful electric blue cichlids we know today.

Electric blue cichlid varieties have four very famous types: the Texas Cichlid, Blue Acara, Jack Dempsey, and Blue Ram. They stand out with their stunning electric blue colors, developed through many generations of breeding. Additionally, other electric blue cichlid species from Africa naturally have deep blue shades, making the world of cichlids even more fascinating and diverse.

The types of electric blue cichlid

There are numerous cichlids to consider in this situation, ranging from the big and carnivorous Electric Blue Hap to the small and gentle Electric Blue Ram Cichlid. You’re lucky if blue is your favorite color, as any of these fish will add life to your aquarium.

1. Electric Blue Texas Cichlid

Texas cichlids are the sole cichlid species found in the United States, as their name implies. Unlike their counterparts in more southern and distant regions, such as Africa, Texas cichlids tend to be less aggressive towards other cichlids, except during breeding. During this time, even a single male can become threatening, incessantly harassing other fish to protect the eggs laid by their mate. It is advisable to have a separate breeding tank when maintaining a pair of Electric Blue Texas Cichlids.

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2. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid

The Jack Dempsey, a massive Central American cichlid, boasts striking scales that shimmer in bright blue and gold hues. However, the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is even more captivating, characterized by its striking red eyes and stunning coat adorned with intricate blue and black dots.

Owning one of these fish requires ample aquarium space, as Jack Dempseys can reach lengths up to 10 inches. Ideally, a tank of 75 gallons is recommended for a single male, although a minimum of 55 gallons is acceptable. It’s worth noting that Jack Dempseys are known for their robust nature, but the Electric Blue Dempsey can be a bit more delicate due to the extensive inbreeding required to achieve those vibrant blue cichlid colors.

3. Electric blue peacock

Some of the most well-known electric blue cichlids are peacock species. Peacock cichlids enjoy sifting through the sand instead of the rock-dwelling Lake Malawi cichlids. In diet, they like tiny sand-dwelling invertebrates like nematodes and snails as food. When producing, they place the eggs in one of the parents’ mouths. Until the eggs and fry are big enough to care for themselves, mouth brooding keeps them safe from predators. Moreover, they reduce breeding stress by moving the mouth-brooding couple to a separate tank. Otherwise, when the parents are preoccupied, the babies’ tank mates will try to consume them.

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4. Electric Blue Hap Sciaenochromis Fryeri

The Blue Hap is evidence that electric blue African cichlids have as vibrant colors as any marine reef fish. It is a more aggressive species than peacock cichlids and other non-mbuna fish. They prey on small fish and are predatory as well. Furthermore, they can move through the water quickly and powerfully due to their elongated bodies. If you pet, and when choosing feeder fish for your Electric Blue Hap Sciaenochromis, ensure their good health. It is because sick or weak feeder fish can spread bacteria and parasites to the aquarium fish. Sciaenochromis fryeri is linked to S. ahi, which is marketed as the Electric Blue Hap cichlid and is another species.

5. Electric Blue Ram

One of the more modern variants of the enduringly well-liked Mikrogeophagus ramirezi is the Electric Blue Ram Cichlid. However, the fact that it has more intense blue colors than any other type of Ram Cichlid, and this trait makes it a favorite in aquariums. For those who desire a cichlid but don’t have much room for a large aquarium, an Electric Blue Ram dwarf cichlid is a perfect option. A 40-gallon aquarium or more significant is required for several of the fish on this list. However, Blue Ram males do not get to the size of 2.5 inches. Therefore, a 20-gallon aquarium may accommodate a couple in comfort.

Read the Article About Blue Parrotfish

6. Electric Blue Johanni

From Lake Malawi, another African cichlid is called the Electric Blue Johanni. It requires an aquarium with alkaline water, much like all Malawi cichlids do. Mbuna, or rock-dwelling cichlids, like the Electric Blue Johanni, live in water. By residing in dense colonies with other cichlids, these fish are comparable to creatures that inhabit marine coral reefs. Since they are constantly fighting for space, mbuna cichlids are pretty aggressive. They can, however, be kept in sizable schools with fish of the same or different species. Other mbuna, such as the Electric Yellow Cichlids and the Zebra Mbuna, are the best tank companions.

Recognition and Habitats

The blue cichlid often gets confused with the electric blue hap, making some hobbyists mistakenly think they are the same species. Fortunately, the valid electric blue hap species isn’t commonly found in the aquarium hobby, and an S. fryer is typically correctly labeled, regardless of its common name assignment. It’s important to note that blue cichlid hybrids can display various colors, which may vary based on the depth at which they were captured.

Blue cichlids are distinguished by their vibrant blue bodies and darker bands beneath their gills, extending toward their tail fins. Additionally, many of these fish have yellow or orange eyes. Changes such as hints of red on the anal fin or a light blue streak along the length of the dorsal fin may occur due to breeding or variations in collection locations.

In contrast, electric blue cichlid females are noticeably lighter in color compared to males and may sport darker bands on their bodies. Some females might even exhibit bright blue or yellow streaks on their fins. These differences contribute to the intrigue and diversity of this fascinating species.

Diet and Life Span

Although they are omnivores, electric blue acara cichlids frequently consume live animals in the wild. It indicates that you should consider providing them with adequate protein-rich meals to meet their nutritional needs on a must-to-do basis. Bloodworms, brine shrimp, tiny insects, and earthworms are some excellent alternatives for this.

Talking about their lifespan. The typical lifespan of an Electric Blue Acara is 8 to 10 years in captivity, while it can live two times as long in the wild.

Tank Mates

It is ideal to keep blue cichlids alongside other Lake Malawi species. One male for every three to four females works well. At the same time, you can introduce the larger groups if the tank size allows. Keeping other species from the same area as the electric blue cichlid is encouraging. However, it is not a good idea to maintain S. fryeri and S. ahli together owing to the likelihood of breeding and producing a hybrid fish.

Furthermore, it is essential to keep in mind that members of the Aulonocara genus often hybridize and that blue cichlids have bred with species of Aulonocara. Additionally, the electric blue cichlid has a propensity to act aggressively toward fish with similar hues; as a result, it’s best to stay away from any other blue fish or have vertical bars.


It’s a little trickier than you might have thought to select electric blue cichlids. Everything, from tank mates to tank size, varies because each fish is pretty different from the others. Others are vegetarians, but other people may eat brine shrimp. But each is a brave, striking fish with lots of cichlid personality. Fortunately, the tank layouts and care requirements for any fish you get are usually identical. These cichlids require a primarily carnivorous diet because they can get quite large.

Your Questions and Their Answers

Many people who want to own or breed blue parrotfish usually make queries regarding this specific fish type. Some answers to them are mentioned below.

What Do Electric Blue Cichlids Eat?

Most cichlids are carnivorous, feeding on invertebrates, small fish, and insects. They will eat most prepared foods that are rich in protein. But rock-dwelling mbuna, like the Electric Blue Johanni, are vegetarians that eat algae. So offer then vegetarian-based pellet or flake formulas instead.

Are Electric Blue Cichlids Aggressive?

How aggressive an Electric Blue cichlid is depends on the species in question. Some, such as the Electric Blue Hap of Lake Malawi, are territorial and quite aggressive. But others, including the Electric Blue Acara, are mild-mannered and gentle towards their tank mates.

How Big Does an Electric Blue Cichlid Get?

Tank size is an important thing to consider when picking a cichlid variety. Smaller fish like the Electric Blue Ram can live in a 20-gallon tank. Larger species like the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey need a 55-gallon tank or larger to be comfortable.

How quickly do these fish grow?

The first several months of a fish’s existence were spent growing ceaselessly, like the electric blue acara. By the time they are 8–10 months old, you can assume they are completely mature.

Is the electric blue cichlid aggressive?

It depends on the species and how violent an electric blue cichlid is. Some are violent and territorial, such as the Electric Blue Hap of Lake Malawi. However, some fish, like the Electric Blue Acara, have good manners and are kind to the other fish in their aquarium.

Is it easy to breed electric blue cichlid fish?

Electric blue cichlids are relatively easy to breed; in fact, they are capable of reproducing on their own. That is, assuming the right circumstances are there to hold your tank. You need four females for every male to begin breeding.

What size can an electric blue cichlid grow to?

When choosing a cichlid variety, tank size is a crucial factor to consider. A 20-gallon aquarium may accommodate smaller fish like the Electric Blue Ram. For comfort, a 55-gallon tank or more is required for larger species like the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey.

What are the typical tank mates for Electric Blue Cichlids?

Discover suitable companions for your Electric Blue Cichlid and ensure a harmonious aquatic environment.

How can you differentiate between male and female Electric Blue Cichlids?

Learn the key physical differences that help distinguish male and female Electric Blue Cichlids.

What is the average size of Electric Blue Cichlids?

Understand the typical size range of Electric Blue Cichlids to provide them with an optimal living space.

Where can I find Electric Blue Cichlids for sale?

Explore reliable sources and practices for purchasing Electric Blue Cichlids while ensuring their well-being.

What are the distinct characteristics of Maingano Electric Blue Cichlids?

Uncover the unique traits and features that define Maingano Electric Blue Cichlids as an intriguing cichlid variety.

Are Jack Dempsey Electric Blue Cichlids a separate cichlid species?

Gain insights into the distinctive attributes and classification of Jack Dempsey Electric Blue Cichlids.

What are the different types of cichlid fish?

Explore the diverse array of cichlid species, including the Electric Blue Cichlid, and their individual traits.

How can I care for Electric Blue Hap Cichlids?

Learn essential care tips and best practices to ensure the well-being of Electric Blue Hap Cichlids in your aquarium.

What makes Electric Blue Cichlids stand out among other cichlids?

Discover the unique qualities and striking attributes that define Electric Blue Cichlids in the world of cichlid fish.

Can Electric Blue Cichlids coexist with other types of cichlids in the same tank?

Gain insights into compatible cichlid varieties and optimal tank setups to foster a thriving aquatic community.

Aiden David
Who is Aiden David, a passionate about fish and has extensive experience in the field. As a fish lover, I have spent countless hours researching, learning, and working with different types of fish, from freshwater to saltwater species. Through my writing, I aim to share my knowledge and experience with other fish enthusiasts, whether they are new to the hobby or seasoned veterans. I believe that fishkeeping can be a rewarding and enriching experience, and I am excited to help others achieve success and satisfaction in their own aquatic endeavors. From tank setup and maintenance to fish selection and breeding, my articles will provide valuable insights and practical advice that will enhance your enjoyment and understanding of these fascinating creatures.