Corn vs. Copperhead Snakes : Difference between two notable snake species.


Corn snakes and copperheads are different species of snakes with beautiful patterns. Their traits and living habits do not relate to each other. A few things are the same because of being same animals, but most things differ significantly.

Only one of these snakes is possible to raise in captivity; while the other cannot. Let’s figure out the truth. But first, discover some fundamentals about these two stunning snakes. Copperheads get their name because of their distinctive triangular-shaped head (typical of pit vipers) and coppery-tan color.

The bright hues of corn snakes include orange, red, gray, and brown. The corn snake has a spear-shaped head that is smaller than a copperhead and has a thin body overall. Since corn snakes have little fangs, they are unlikely to bite.

Contrary to corn snakes, which are readily scared and retreat, copperheads are poisonous and constantly prepared to strike when they perceive a threat.

Physical appearances

Red Corn vs. Copperhead

If we compare the size of a copperhead with a corn snake, the size of an adult copperhead is 2–3 feet, while an adult corn snake is 4-5 feet long. Regarding the weight comparison of these snakes, a copperhead is 100–340 grams. On the other hand, a copperhead is 700–900 grams.

Some people confuse themselves with corn snakes from the python family. They need to eliminate their confusion as corn snakes are from the Colubridae family, and a copperhead is from the Viperidae family.

Another way to identify these snakes is by coloring and marking on the body. Talking about age, the lifespans of these species also do not relate to each other, as the age of a copperhead in captivity is 18–25 years, on the other hand, a corn snake is 20 years maximum.

Characteristics of the corn snakes

Yellow and Brown Corn Snakes

Because of their gentle nature, ease of handling, and limited size, corn snakes make great pets. When threatened, corn snakes will flee as opposed to striking. Living in near gardens, they deter pests and other snakes, while pose no threat to humans.

Even when frightened or injured, corn snakes do not bite frequently. Their bite is not unpleasant because of their small fangs, as they are more inclined to bite as hatchlings. These snakes are simple to handle and care for despite their propensity to flee.

Regarding the diet and preys, rats are their preferred prey because they frequently stay in the fields, where they are easy to locate. Talking about their names, they get this name because of this behavior, and the grain pattern on their bodies references Indian corn.

Because of their close kinship, rat snakes and corn snakes are frequently mistaken for one another, and the latter is also occasionally called “red rat snakes.

Breeding of your corn snake


The corn snakes spawn at low temperatures. It may occur in the wild throughout the winter. When you wish the animals to reproduce, you should reduce the temperature and add darkness to their cages.

Corn snakes reproduce when the temperature and photoperiod are right. Additionally, to make breeding simpler, ensure to grow your corn snakes as a male and a female. Look for and pop any companies you find, especially the hatchlings.

In the spring, corn snakes lay enormous clutches of eggs in warm, damp locations. 30 to 45 days after mating, they deposit their eggs. They make up a clutch of 10- 30 eggs.

Diet of corn snakes

Brown Corn Snake

To feed your corn snake, warm up or thaw the proper size of mice and bring them to room temperature. Never prepare the mice in the kitchen or use a machine to warm them up. To prevent your corn snake from getting hurt by the mice, you should constantly watch out for it when feeding it with live rodents.

Furthermore, maintain a regular feeding schedule for your corn snake, feeding it once or twice each week at the very least, and the hatchlings. Use gallons in sizes and shapes to keep your snake from feeling imprisoned and to give it room to move around. They prefer to live in light, and the daily lighting should last between 8 and 12 hours, with the lights dimmed at night.

How to take care of their health?

The tank for the snake should constantly be maintained spotless and updated with new substrates. Always add hiding spots in the environment to help your corn snake feel safe.

You can use a big box, bark, or rocks to serve as hiding spots. Your corn snake’s eyes will change to a milky gray or blue color as it prepares to lose its skin.

Its body will lose its glossy appearance and take on a white hue. It would be best to keep your distance from it during this period, as it can grow agitated.

Traits of a copperhead


Like tamed snakes, copperheads are challenging to manage. Since they cannot tell the difference between friends and foes, they are difficult to control as well. The copperhead snake also has trouble settling down naturally and shakes its tail whenever you approach it.

Despite their severe bites, copperhead snakes seldom kill adults because of venom they generate. It can locate its warm-blooded victim because of the indent on its skull. You must be comfortable handling snakes if you intend to keep them as pets.

In the wild, copperheads can be seen swimming, hunting, and enjoying daytime tanning and nighttime concealment. But at night, when they are more active, snakes attack their enemies by disguising themselves to blend in with their surroundings.

A wide variety of environments are suitable for copperhead snake growth. You may keep the snake in environments with somewhat low temperatures, and they only need one meal every two weeks.

What does a copperhead eat?

The copperhead snake is a natural predator; it eats and hunts animals like frogs, mice, lizards, etc. You can serve a snake with the mice if you have a snake in captivity. But keep the living mice away from this snake.

Breeding of copperhead

snake looking at the camera

As ovoviviparous creatures, copperheads give birth to live hatchlings. The female’s body acts as an egg incubator when they mate in the spring. They may hatch up to 18 hatchlings in the late summer or early fall.

Copperhead snakes reproduce in the spring. In their pursuit of the females, the males engage in hostile behavior with one another. In the winter, they hibernate and get along well with other animals, like rattlesnakes and rat snakes.

The mother copperhead delivers many young through a thin membrane, from which they soon escape. Fangs and venom exist in the hatchlings from birth, allowing them to eat before hibernating for the winter.

Which snake is more dangerous, the corn snake or the copperhead?

Copperheads have poison. When they feel threatened, they attack quickly. Although its poison does not kill people, it causes a painful and bothersome bite. Corn snakes are readily spooked and will usually flee if they sense danger.

On the other hand, a corn snake is simple to handle, even for beginners. They don’t even bite their victim; instead, they squeeze it until it dies. Avoid hurting snakes, especially if they aren’t biting you. It is unlikely that it will initiate contact unless it perceives a threat. But if a copperhead bites you, get medical help right away.

Which snake is easier to handle; copperhead or corn snake?

In contrast to a copperhead snake, a corn snake is simpler to train. The former is gentle and takes its time attacking. You may safely handle this incredibly colorful snake.

However, because they cannot tell a friend from an adversary, copperhead snakes are constantly prepared to strike. If you have prior snake-handling knowledge, you could decide to keep a copperhead.

The copperhead can strike, so you can never be too careful around it. When required, handle copperheads. Corn snakes are the best choice for keeping as a pet snake since copperheads must be handled carefully. With the copperhead, your safety is never completely guaranteed.


How to keep my corn snake happy?

Fill the tank with plants, branches for curling up on, and boxes to hide in to keep your corn snake happy and stress-free. Give your snake space to walk about and furnishings to make them feel safe since snakes can become traumatized when they have nowhere to hide.

Are a corn snake and a ball python the same?

As pets, the Ball Python and the Corn Snake are incredibly comparable. They are two highly distinct snakes, although they have a lot of similarities. They both like being held by people and are usually domestic carnivores who need heated terrariums.

Do corn snakes escape easily?

Yes, corn snakes have the name “escape artists” because of their escaping ability. They can hide behind any rock or even a box.

At what time do the copperhead snakes become active?

The Copperhead snake is a nocturnal reptile that only comes out at night. It leaves its nest during the night to find its prey.

Are copperhead snakes venomous?

Although copperheads are poisonous, they are not as potent as other venomous snakes. Although most bites are not fatal, you should still get medical help if you are bitten.

Final thoughts

The copperhead is a heavy-bodied snake, whereas the corn snake is long and thin, even though they might have similar colors. Although their venom is minimal, copperheads are poisonous. At the same time, corn snakes are not only nonvenomous but also excellent pets that have been bred in various colors and patterns. Copperheads give birth to live offspring, occasionally without the help of a male, whereas corn snakes deposit eggs. Since corn snakes lack the heat-sensing pits of the copperhead, a kind of pit viper, they typically hunt their prey using their sense of smell. Corn snakes typically climb up trees or the sides of homes to seek prey. While they can climb trees, copperheads are not as keen.

Luke Julian
Luke Julian is a herpetologist with a fascination for snakes spanning over 15 years. His in-depth knowledge and passion for these remarkable reptiles fuel his writing, offering readers engaging insights into the world of serpents.