Complete Guide of Ghost Koi: Behavior, Lifespan, Types (Updated 2024)

silver and red Ghost Koi Fish

Ghost Koi, also known as Ghost Carp, is a popular ornamental fish that is a cross between a wild carp and a decorative koi. The fish’s eye-catching and distinctive color, which ranges from silvery white to light yellow with black, grey, or brown blotches, defines it. The Ghost Koi is a resilient and versatile fish that performs well in various aquatic settings, making it a preferred option for backyard aquariums and ponds.

Ghost Koi get along well with other fish species, such as Snakeskin Gourami, as they are calm and gentle. They are the best option for beginning aquarists since they are straightforward to care for and maintain. The Ghost Koi is a stunning and exciting fish that enthrall any fish lover.

Ghost koi types

This fish breed is new to many people. So, we want our readers to know about many types of ghost koi fish.

White ghost koi

The White ghost koi fish is swimming in water.

These fish exist in both the classic koi form and a butterfly-finned version. The white ghost koi, a cross between a Platinum Ogon and a mirror carp, has pearly white scales with black patterns on its sides and back. Usually, there is no color in the dorsal region between the eyes. There may or may not be markings on the pectoral fins.

Being a relatively new variety for many people, there currently needs to be rigorous guidelines for color distribution or pattern requirements. The head and fins’ metallic scales might be silvery. Some specimens may appear to exhibit patterns commonly visible on X-rays, but the color switches around since the body tone is often white.

Yellow ghost koi

Except for its subdued greyish or golden-yellow base color, this variation resembles its white counterpart. It is a cross between the mirror carp and the Yamabuki Ogon, which its solid yellow hue may identify.

Scales on the back and sides might have a smeared charcoal appearance and range in color from light to dark grey. Some specimens could also have white scales. The pectoral fins may have a gradation of all colors with well-defined rays. These hues can start emerging in young Koi and are usually maintained throughout their lives. We can see the most resemblance to Ki Matsuba among the highly prized Japanese species in yellow ghost koi.

Butterfly ghost koi

If they have extended fins, ghost koi in yellow and white colors may fit this description. This particular kind stands out for being backed by a specific market. Overzealous koi owners already despise the ghost and butterfly koi in their forms, so combining the two would be unwelcome.

Hybrids between them are likely to be kept in private ponds because of the controversy surrounding these distinct varieties; they are rarely seen at contests or koi conferences.

However, people with a general appreciation for beautiful fish would be in awe of the elegance and grace of butterfly ghost koi.

Transparent koi fish

Transparent koi fish are fascinating aquatic organisms distinguished by their remarkable transparency. This feature allows their internal organs and skeletal structure to be visible through their translucent bodies. These stunning fish, which exist in various brilliant hues such as red and white, black, and gold, have an ethereal appeal that captivates the spectator.

The vigorous swimming motions of translucent koi fish provide a sense of grace and elegance, making them a popular option in decorative ponds and gardens. With their delicate fins and exquisite patterns, these magnificent animals bring a sense of calm and tranquillity to any aquatic setting. The transparency of their bodies gives them an unearthly aspect, producing an awe-inspiring display as they glide through the water.

Koi ghost carp

The Koi ghost carp in golden color.

A ghost carp is a distinct subspecies of carp, koi, and mirror carp. Its unusual look distinguishes it from other fish, appearing as a phantom moving beneath the water’s surface. Ghost carp have virtually transparent scales that look ethereal and frightening. They are also visible in wild and captive populations and arise spontaneously or through selective breeding. Ghost carp are famous in koi ponds and decorative fish tanks for their beauty, but they need to be regarded as authentic koi carp since they lack the unique markings of koi fish. In the wild, these ethereal-looking fish may grow to great sizes, with some reaching weights of more than 30 pounds. Ghost carp are usually calm and friendly.

Ghost koi care

The Ghost koi colorful fishes are swimming in water.

As we have already mentioned, it is a good part of the house aquarium, it is essential to take care of them, so they can add more beauty to the tank. The first thing we should offer this fish is the water that it requires. At the same time, the second one is to maintain the temperature. Get the details of moisture and temperature in the below passages.


Ghost koi might flourish in garden ponds that uphold excellent standards for Japanese koi and goldfish. The pH should ideally be kept close to neutral to keep the fish’s eyes, gills, and skin healthy. Significantly alkaline water may also result in the toxicity of waste and elemental chemicals. Maintain ideal levels by checking the pH of the water frequently and changing the water continually.

It would be nice if the water remained clear to truly enjoy the ghost koi. The fish’s gray color and silver scales would unavoidably be less noticeable in cloudy or plankton-rich water. Additionally, dispersed oxygen levels should always be kept at a minimum of 6 to 7 ppm.


Carp are cold-water fish. Therefore, ghost koi can withstand seasonal temperature shifts. So, to keep Koi from moving towards the pond bottom if the surrounding temperatures are too low, you must ensure that your pond is at least three feet deep. Given this depth, even if the surface freezes over, they should be able to survive outside. Floating and marginal plants should aid summertime water cooling.

If maintained in a tank, the recommended water temperature for ghost koi is between 18 and 24 C (64 and 75 F). At this range, they are most capable metabolically. Because ghost koi are tough, they are more likely to endure significant temperature fluctuations.

Diet of the koi ghost

Ghost koi are omnivorous fish that occasionally eat plants, smaller fish, insects, and wild tadpoles. They are less likely to do so if they have enough fish food at the proper frequency. Koi are famous because one can handle them by hand-feeding, which is one appealing aspect.

Ghost koi are just as prone to accept treats from human hands as types that have been fully tamed. This shows that their metabolic requirements vary depending on the water’s temperature. They may absorb and convert high-protein fish feeds and other natural food sources into higher body mass in the spring and summer when their metabolism is at its best.

Koi fish behavior

The colorful Ghost Koi fish is swimming in the water

Concerns about ghosties resembling the more aggressive common carp are widespread among koi owners. Even though they have a tumultuous history, ghost koi don’t often act aggressively against Japanese koi or other beautiful pond fish. They are incredibly tranquil and amiable.

If a ghost koi is offered in the market, it probably develops utilizing more seasoned ghost koi strains rather than an actual ogon and wild-caught parent. Remember that about 40 years have elapsed since the initial generations were bred. Therefore, modern ghost koi typically behave in a manner identical to that of genuine Nishikigoi.

The lifespan of this animal

Ghost Koi typically live for 20 years or more under ideal conditions. As a long-lived species, they can grow up to 30 inches (76 cm) in length. Their maturity and physical growth rate are similar to that of Japanese koi, and due to their genetic background, they often grow larger than less selectively bred koi varieties.

Breeding process of this fish

This fish can be crossed to create viable offspring since they are intra-specific hybrids (both parents are species-specific variants of the same species). Interestingly, these fish are so strong and optimistic that they can quickly establish themselves as “invasive” in a little pond.

They could also breed with other types of koi, according to probability. You may need to keep male and female who are sexually active apart throughout the gravid period, typically May to June, to avoid this happening.

If you want to raise ghost koi, you’ll need to build or make secure spaces in the pond where the female may deposit her eggs. Typically, this works best with floating and submerged plants.

Soon after the male Koi discharges his sperm into the water column, fertilization occurs, and the eggs may be retrieved. Place the eggs in a tiny, precisely regulated tank arrangement that will be used to raise fingerlings. For more detailed instructions, read our articles on koi “pregnancy” and taking care of their young.


The Ghost Koi is a stunning fish that has captured the attention of people around the world. Ghost Koi are gaining popularity in the aquarium industry because of their distinctive color and size. However, it’s crucial to remember that these fish demand particular care and attention and a sizable, thoroughly-filtered pond with lots of space for them to swim and develop.

It may survive for many years and add delight and beauty to any aquatic setting with the proper care and attention. Do your homework and provide your new underwater companion with the most significant habitat possible if you consider adding a Ghost Koi to your collection.


What kind of habitat a Ghost Koi requires?

It enjoys a large, shaded pond with crystal clear water. They need a precise temperature and an atmosphere with a proper filter and oxygen.

Can you keep Ghost Koi with other fish?

Yes, this specific aquatic organism get along well with other fish of a similar size and temperature. They may eat tadpoles, insect larvae, and smaller fish by them.

What distinguishes Ghost Koi from Nishikigoi?

Nishikigoi and Ghost Koi have the same genetic makeup, although Ghost Koi often have darker body patterns and scales.

What is koi fish lifespan?

If taken care of properly, it can live up to 25 years or more. Ghost koi fish needs balanced food, clean, well-oxygenated water, and regular checking for any symptoms of illness or disease.

Do koi fish eat tadpoles?

Yes, tadpoles are not known to be a treat for the ghost koi fishes.

Do ghost koi eat other fishes?

This question is often asked by different people on different platforms. For them, ghost koi are not predatory animals, so there are no chances for them to eat other fishes. If this happening takes place, it is always very rare.

Aiden David
Who is Aiden David, a passionate about fish and has extensive experience in the field. As a fish lover, I have spent countless hours researching, learning, and working with different types of fish, from freshwater to saltwater species. Through my writing, I aim to share my knowledge and experience with other fish enthusiasts, whether they are new to the hobby or seasoned veterans. I believe that fishkeeping can be a rewarding and enriching experience, and I am excited to help others achieve success and satisfaction in their own aquatic endeavors. From tank setup and maintenance to fish selection and breeding, my articles will provide valuable insights and practical advice that will enhance your enjoyment and understanding of these fascinating creatures.