Zebrafish with Down Syndrome: Therapeutic Applications and DYRK1A in Maldives (Updated)
The study of zebra fish with Down syndrome has opened up a new frontier in understanding this complex genetic condition. By exploring the genetic, developmental, and behavioral consequences of Down syndrome in these fish, researchers are gaining valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets.
Complete Guide of Ghost Koi: Behavior, Lifespan, Types (Updated 2024)
A popular ornamental fish, Ghost Koi, called Ghost Carp, is a cross between a wild card and a decorative koi. This fish's eye-catching and distinctive color, which ranges from silvery white to light yellow with black, grey, or brown blotches, defines it.
Axolotl Babys: Health Care Guide and All You Should Know (Updated 2024)
The unique features of the salamander larval stage are present in axolotls, including external gills and a posterior fin that runs from the rear of the animal’s head to its tip. Conversely, axolotls are neotenic salamanders, meaning they keep their traits as they age.
Ngara Flametail Peacock – Complete Guide | (Updated 2024)
The Ngara Flametail Peacock Fish falls on the list of smaller Aulonocara staurtgranti. These cichlids are very stunning, and they develop beautiful, eye-catching colors too.
Sea Butterfly | Comprehensive Guide (Updated 2024)
Sea butterflies are similar to snails. However, they swim in the water instead of creeping over surfaces with their powerful foot. Many species have delicate, calcium carbonate shells that are extremely sensitive to variations in ocean acidity.
Electric Blue Cichlid: Types, Traits, Size, Tank | US(United State)
The term "electric blue cichlid" is used to describe a variety of cichlid species in the aquarium trade. However, not all of them naturally possess these colors. Light blue may be highly harmful in nature, despite being a prevalent color in the aquarium hobby.
Bubble Eye Goldfish: Breeding, Looks, Care, etc. | (US – Updated for 2024)
A freshwater species known as the Bubble Eye Goldfish has an incredibly distinctive appearance. They resemble cartoons nearly precisely and are one of the most well-known goldfish breeds. Everyone wants to possess a fish because it is so unique-looking, but most people are unaware that caring for these fish is more complicated than it appears. Like many of its relatives, the Bubble Eye Goldfish needs a little experience and wisdom to stay healthy. This guide will show you the fundamentals of caring for one if you purchase a Bubble Eye Goldfish for yourself.
Blue Eye Fish Trevalla – Traits, Reproduction, Life Span (Australia – Updated for 2024)
The blue-eye trevalla is a large, thick-bodied finfish readily available throughout the year and has developed a significant following over the past twenty years. Excellent for eating, its flesh has a moderate flavor.
Blue Parrotfish : Facts, Diet and Behavior, Reproduction, Care, Life Span (US – Updated...
The western Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea are home to the Blue Parrotfish, scientifically known as Scarus Coeruleus, a member of the parrotfish family. This ocean-dwelling fish prefers tropical and subtropical seas.
15 Interesting Axolotl Baby Facts US (updated 2024)
The Axolotl is a neotenic salamander and is also popular as one of the most unique and unusual species in the world. It is a Mexican walking fish but actually, it is not a fish. Yes, it is an amphibian. This unique is most commonly found in the freshwater lakes and ponds of Mexico.
Bumblebee Catfish: Facts, Size, Feeding, and Care Tips (Updated 2024)
The Bumblebee Catfish has a shy nature which is why it stays mostly at the base of the tank. Make sure you keep the tank clean to prevent any fungal infections. It is best to add some iodine solution to the water or consult with an expert to provide a perfect and clean environment.